How to pick a pair of karting boots

If you are serious about go karting you’ll want to wear the right race attire and a pair of go karting boots that will improve your performance. Get a ‘buzz’ for go karting and you might want to take it up as a hobby, spend time at the Full Throttle…

Go Karting Tips to Improve Driving Skills

Tweak and tune your kart all you like, if you really want to speed up on the circuit and become a faster driver you’ll have to learn a few go karting tips of the trade. Having the fastest kart is one thing, using your driving skills correctly is a totally…

Where’s the sound gone from F1?

We’re pretty passionate about any form of motorsport at Full Throttle Raceway, it’s no wonder when you consider the line of business we are in. So you can imagine how disappointed we were at the sound of Australian Grand Prix last week, the scream of the F1 engines from 2013…

5 reasons to take up karting

We see drivers from all backgrounds at Full Throttle Raceway, some are young, some are old, some have very little experience to take up go karting and others would give Lewis Hamilton a run for his money on a good day. Take up go karting today! It is one of…

Mario Balotelli takes his Ferrari around the karting track!!

Manchester City fans know all about Mario Balotelli, in fact, fans of football in general still smirk when they hear his name. The former city striker, now plying his trade for AC Milan, was a colourful character to say the least when he played in the Premiership. He was well-known…

Why we should look forward to F1 in 2014

We had a moan about the lack of engine noise for F1 in one of our earlier blogs but that doesn’t put us off what should be a thrilling race calendar this year. Muted engines aside, there’s so much to look forward to and we’ve highlighted a few of the…

Lewis Hamilton attributes recent win to karting experience

Like most fans of F1 we watched the recent Bahrain GP with much interest at Full Throttle Raceway. The lead Lewis Hamilton pulled out over the rest of the field was pretty amazing to say the least, he really had the race in his hands. The safety car changed all…

Tips to hone your body for karting

One of our popular features at Full Throttle Raceway is the open event which starts with 20 minutes of qualifying then moves onto a 2 hour non-stop race. As you can imagine, racing a kart for 2 hours takes a toll on your body for karting, it’s mentally and physically…

The real facts about Michael Schumacher

The Michael Schumacher facts: like all fans of F1 we were deeply saddened and shocked by the news of Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident. As we await to hear updates as Michael is gradually drawn out of his induced coma we thought we’d take a look at the life of one…